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On Photography:

Although there is the constant dread that the single thing the world does not need more of is photos, I somehow find myself having a magnetic attraction to the act of collecting the world. I doubt this is distinctly mine because it is innately human to want to capture our personal experience.


In no sense, have I found that photography is the path to individuality. But, I have found it to serve as a sense of connection. You don't need to read a smile to understand it, you simply feel it. Photography serves the photographer more than it serves the world. It is unique to us, encapsulated in millions of pixels holds a moment that would have otherwise simply passed.

Finding the little moments has become a way for me to appreciate the world more deeply. An empty street feels lonely but in a photo, it feels calm. A farmer's market is just a farmer's market but in a photo, it is the gathering of the town and a collection of colorful harvests. The moment remains the same but the photo adds perspective.

Boulder Farmer's Market:

Jeremy's Day:

Street Portraits:

Winter Collection 2022:

2020 First Shoot:

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